For Writing Tests

Whether crafted before or after, tests aren't always fun, but they are good work.

Heavenly Father,

As you have been patiently at work, may I reflect on your goodness. Your plan unfolds. And even in our chaos, you hold all things together.

I ponder your evident wisdom and forward-thinking designs of creation.

I humbly ask for this wisdom.

Though I may rather be writing other code, I acknowledge that this is good work.

In doing good work, I am operating in the likeness of your image — the creator of all things,
the sower of good seed that reaps a harvest,
whose work does not return void.

Forgive me…
If I have inwardly grumbled over this portion of my job.
If I have failed to see that I too, am planting seeds.

Set my heart to see that the writing of these tests,
is an investment towards tomorrow,
not only for my future well-being,
but also the benefit of my co-workers and those using this software.

Remind me that in doing this with excellence, I am loving them as you have commanded me.

May I write these tests in a way that accomplishes safety and security, without brittleness and excess.

May I work with diligence — a steady mind faithful to the task.

And by your grace, should I see the fruit of this patient labor, may I return to you in thanks and praise.


Published on: 7/1/2022