For Work Outside of Our Comfort Zones

A prayer for facing new situations or work outside of our wheelhouse.

God of all strength and comfort,

I feel this laboring is outside of my comfort zone and expertise. Yet it does not catch you by surprise.

In these moments, I feel my frailty. My limits.

My thoughts may seem chaotic.
They bounce from anxiety,
to fear,
to doubt,
to self-pity,
to lies,
to pride.
These thoughts disrupt peace and steal the joy from my work.

Lord Jesus, help me.
Don’t leave me here. I know you are gracious to bridge gaps and provide strength in times of need.
Help me to believe it.

Holy Spirit, please fill my thoughts with truth.
Replace the lies that echo in my heart.

And in these moments where I feel humbled before peers or superiors,
with no familiarity or history to fall back on,
may you remind me that I am not the sum of my experience and knowledge.

I am loved as I am—by you and by others.

Not having answers,
not being an expert,
starting from zero,
using tools I am uncomfortable with,
this stretching—may it lead to resilience, and reliance on you.

Forgive me for demanding or expecting otherwise. For you began a good work in me, and will love me unto its completion.

Grant that I may be at peace in my weakness,
by your love,
for your glory.


Published on: 4/30/2022