For New Projects / Code

For the creation of a glorious new project or codebase.

God of all Creation,

At the dawn of this endeavor, I rejoice in Your mighty works.

And as I begin this new task, I humbly ask for wisdom and knowledge.

I know not what tomorrow will bring; help me prepare with foresight.
Help me craft a solid foundation on which this work will stand for the life of its service.
Likewise, let me not overcomplicate matters by my pride and worry.

Lord I ask for balance.

If I fret for the complexity, or the multitude of possibilities, let my mind find peace as Christ Jesus calmed the storms.
If I am overly proud, forgive me for a boastful heart and remind me from where these gifts have come.
If I stumble, may I reach out.
May I not trust solely in my own strength, but in you and those which you have graciously placed around me.

I rejoice in this blank slate of opportunity you have provided here.

Please bless the work of my hands.
Before I put fingers to these keys, a sober realization is called to mind—That the novelty will fade.
Like the flowers of the field, this work will one day wither.
In this humbling reflection, help me hold to the joy in these fleeting moments, but ever more firmly to your word.
Your Word will stand forever.

Thank you for your promise of one day making all things new. And as I begin this new work, I commit it all to you.


Jesu Juva

Published on: 4/13/2022